Celebrating 25 years:
Blue Mountain Moments

As we celebrate our 25th anniversary of land conservation and environmental stewardship, Blue Mountain Land Trust invites you to share your special moments and connections to this remarkable place we call home. How do you connect with the land? Whether it's a sunset hike, a farm-to-table meal during harvest, or a meaningful encounter with fellow adventurers, your story is what makes our celebration of community matter.

Your experiences offer invaluable insight into what makes the Blue Mountain region truly special. Share your stories, photos, and short video clips capturing your favorite moments. Join us as we celebrate 25 years of memories, positive wins, and shared experiences in the Blue Mountain region. Your contributions not only honor the past but also serve as inspiration for others to join our vibrant community and become stewards of the land.

Let us know how the Blue Mountain area has enriched your life and why it's worth protecting for future generations. Share your #BlueMountainMoments and become an integral part of our journey toward the next 25 years of conservation and community connection!

Share your favorite Blue Mountain Moments

To share your story, memory, or experience in the Blue Mountain region, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click the link below to access the form.

  2. Fill out the form with your contact information.

  3. Share your favorite story, memory, or experience in the text field provided. Let us know how you connect with the land and why this is important to you.

  4. Use the provided link to upload any photos or short video clips that accompany your submission.

  5. Submit the form.

Once you've submitted your entry, our team will reach out to you to discuss your submission further. We look forward to hearing from you and celebrating your Blue Mountain Moments!


Image by Matt Franklin