BMLT Blues Crew Trip Leader Resources
Trail Crew Leader Resources
Trail Crew Leader Position Description - learn what it means to be a BMLT Blues Crew Trail Crew Leader.
BMLT Blues Crew Liability Release Form 2025 – Please complete and sign annually prior to all work parties.
Federal Government Volunteer Group Sign-up - to be used on all USFS and Corp of Engineers work parties. Copy of form to be submitted to sponsoring agency leader upon completion of project.
Trail Work Party Preparation
Work Party Checklist – contains details to support work party planning – pre, during and post trip activities of the Trail Leader
Partnership Planning Worksheet - to be completed when planning a work party with a partner agency
Trail Scouting Form - to be used to document assessment of a trail prior to the planning and scheduling of a work party.
Work Party Announcement Template - to be completed when planning a work party
Work Party Summary Template - to be completed post work party
Horseshoe Prairie Nordic Ski Area Resources
Wilderness Medicine
WTA Resources
Trail Construction
Trail Skills Institute #8 - What to Expect and How to Stay Safe
Designed to give volunteers the basic tools they need to be prepared and stay safe when heading out for trail work projects.
USFS Chainsaw Cross Training Course
Handtools for Trailwork-Part 1 USDA Forest Service 1998 - Missoula Technology Development Center. Tools for Sawing, Brushing, Grubbing:
Handtools for Trail Work - Part 2 - USDA Forest Service 1998 - Missoula Technology Development Center. Axes, chopping, a different technique for experienced choppers, tools for hammering, tools for digging and tamping, tool handles, sharpening.
Basic Trail Maintenance - USDA Forest Service 1995 - Missoula Technology Development Center. Learn the basics of trail maintenance and how to select the right tool for each task.
Surface Water Control - Trails in Wet Areas: Turnpike and Puncheon Construction - USDA Forest Service 1994 - Missoula Technology Development Center. Learn about turnpikes and puncheons and which will work best for your wet trails.
Constructing Trail Switchbacks - USDA Forest Service 2000 - Missoula Technology Development Center. Learn how to plan, lay out, construct, and maintain switchbacks.
The Crosscut Sawyer - USDA Forest Service 2007 - Missoula Technology Development Center. Crosscut saws are experiencing a revival not only in designated wilderness areas but in other backcountry settings. These traditional tools offer a safe and effective way to fell trees and buck logs when they are properly used and maintained. The 43-minute "Crosscut Sawyer" DVD shows experienced sawyers sizing up trees, evaluating situations, making safe sawing decisions, and pointing out common mistakes that occur during sawing operations. This DVD is a companion to the Forest Service "Chain Saw and Crosscut Saw Training Course." For Forest Service saw certification, field testing is also required.
Wildland Fire Chain Saws - Part 1 - Spring Poles - National Wildfire Coordinating Group 2004 - NFES 2645 - Course S-212.
Wildland Fire Chain Saws - Part 2 - Bucking: Top Bind - National Wildfire Coordinating Group 2004 - NFES 2645 - Course S-212.
Wildland Fire Chain Saws - Part 3 - Bucking: Bottom Bind - National Wildfire Coordinating Group 2004 - NFES 2645 - Course S-212.
Wildland Fire Chain Saws - Part 4 - Bucking: Blow Down - National Wildfire Coordinating Group 2004 - NFES 2645 - Course S-212.
Wildland Fire Chain Saws - Part 5 - Bucking: Angle Cut - National Wildfire Coordinating Group 2004 - NFES 2645 - Course S-212.
Wildland Fire Chain Saws - Part 6 - Situation Analysis - National Wildfire Coordinating Group 2004 - NFES 2645 - Course S-212.
Wildland Fire Chain Saws - Part 7 - Boring - National Wildfire Coordinating Group 2004 - NFES 2645 - Course S-212.
Wildland Fire Chain Saws - Part 8 - Tree Falling - National Wildfire Coordinating Group 2004 - NFES 2645 - Course S-212.
Conifer Trees of the Umatilla National Forest - Identifying conifer trees and 5 Needle Pines - USFS informational brochure