Easement Created By: 

Larry and Barbara Fairchild 


Dayton, Washington


99 acres

Protected Since:



Larry and Barbara Fairchild chose their 100-acre site on the Touchet River because of its natural beauty. The largely-untouched forest along the river provides habitat for an abundance of wildlife, and the river contains critical spawning habitat for salmon and steelhead.

Because they had been drawn to the land’s natural setting, the Fairchilds wanted to enhance that aspect of their property. For several years, Larry and Barbara worked with the Columbia Conserva on District to restore salmon habitat on their property, plan ng willows along the banks and restoring pools in the stream channel. On the advice of the Conservation District, they also contacted the Blue Mountain Land Trust to learn more about preserving this valuable habitat.

After consulting with Blue Mountain Land Trust staff, Larry and Barbara chose to pursue a conservation easement that would extinguish all development rights outside the existing home site, permanently protecting the unspoiled natural areas on the property and the restoration work the Fairchilds had completed.

The Fairchilds sold this conservation easement to BMLT for the full value of the unused development rights. Because of the property’s high-quality fish habitat, the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board funded this purchase.