Trip Overview:
Blues Crew is excited to partner with the Malheur National Forest and Eastern Oregon Trails Alliance (EOTA) to help put the finishing touches on a multi-year project at Magone Lake which has created a stellar shared-use mountain bike trail network. Volunteers will camp at the Magone Lake Campground Group Site, which will be reserved and free for the event. The group site has six hardened entries that can accommodate RVs and ample space for tents to spread out. The Magone Lake area offers hiking, biking, fishing, boating, and swimming opportunities. Participants will be able to enjoy spring wildflowers and learn more about the interesting history and geology. Location is at ~5,000’ elevation and not located in wilderness. Power tools may be used. Bikes are encouraged for faster access to and from work sites.
Volunteers can opt to work for 2, 3, or 4 days of this multi-day trip; see Eventbrite for ticket options.
Be a part of this exciting volunteer opportunity! We'll have fun, work hard and make a difference. No experience is necessary.
Volunteer work to accomplish:
Light tread revisions
Installation of Carsonite trail markers
Brush removal
Cutting and removal of downed timber
Limited rock work
What it takes to do this work party:
No experience is necessary—bring a great attitude for working with a team! Blues Crew leaders and park staff will provide training and tools as needed.
Expect to be physically active at your own pace for up to 7 hours each day on uneven terrain.
Recommended for ages 14 and older; participants under 18 must be accompanied by an adult with a signed parental consent form
Volunteers are responsible for their own meals and camp lodgings.
Trip Notes:
Pets are not to accompany volunteers on a Blues Crew work party due to work safety concerns.
COVID precautions are limiting group size and accommodations. Blues Crew follows state and federal guidelines which are constantly changing. At this time, Blues Crew requests that all participants are vaccinated for multi-day events. All individuals may be expected to wear masks during group gatherings and when social distancing is not possible.
What to wear:
Boots – no sneakers or sandals
Long pants and long-sleeved shirt
Rain gear
Work gloves and eye protection (glasses, sunglasses)
Ticks can be present: bring DEET for self, Permethrin for clothes
What to bring:
Lightweight day pack
Pillow and sleeping bag for cold nights
Water bottle (s)
Warm clothing for wet/cold weather
Personal toiletries
Personal food & camp kitchen
Tent or modest camp trailer
Blues Crew Supplied: Safety gear, first aid kit, hard hat, tools
For more information, contact us at or 509-525-3136. Please reach out to us if financial assistance is needed.
Blues Crew activities take place on the ancestral lands of the Cayuse, Walla Walla, Umatilla, and Nez Perce. We honor their stewardship of these lands in the past, present, and future.
Blues Crew & EOTA Volunteers at Magone Lake with USFS Partners 2019
Magone Lake Bicycle Trail System