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Trail Work Party: NW Youth Corps Trail Renovation - NF Umatilla River #3081

Join the BMLT Blues Crew for a trail work party on the North Fork Umatilla River Trail #3081.

The BMLT Blues Crew is hosting the Northwest Youth Corps Tribal Stewards Team for a 5-day work party on the notoriously muddy lower North Fork Umatilla River Trail #3081. Under the guidance of our Walla Walla Ranger District Umatilla National Forest partners, we'll be constructing turnpikes, creating drainage features to help dry out muddy trails, and rerouting a section of trail permanently impacted by the catastrophic flooding of 2020. This section of trail is the launchpad to the canyon eventually leading to Coyote Ridge and part of the long-distance Blue Mountains Trail. It is popular with hikers and equestrians. Let's make it even better!

Work will include removing mud and debris from the existing trail corridor and constructing a turnpike with a log retainer, plus harvesting, sorting/sifting, and transporting rock from a nearby slide-source using gravel bags and rock slings at mile 0.6. The teams will reroute ~100 feet of trail at mile 1.2 to bypass a wetland zone. Other minor drainage features and tread repair will be done. And, of course, lots of brushing must be done to widen the trail corridor! Many hands make light work - so we need as many as possible to accomplish our goals.

You can join us for one, two, three, four, or five days! Camping is available at the nearby Umatilla Forks Campground. Meals are on your own. Please indicate your choice of dates during the registration/ticketing process. We’ll meet at 8 AM each morning at the North Fork Umatilla River Trailhead to select and carry in tools and supplies.

Be a part of this exciting volunteer opportunity! We'll have fun, work hard and make a difference. No experience is necessary.

More information about the North Fork Umatilla River Trail.

Questions? Call Project Coordinator: Barbara Hetrick (509) 301-1372

PLEASE NOTE: Cell service is not reliably available in the North Fork Umatilla River Canyon. Due to safety concerns, pets are not allowed on BMLT Blues Crew work parties.


Trip Details:

  • 🌲 Repairing and updating the trail conditions after a winter season.

    🌲 Brushing and trail tread repair

    🌲 Certified sawyers will guide volunteers in removing any obstructing logs and trees.

    • Tolerance for hard work and backcountry conditions.

    • Backpacking camping gear and attire.

    • No specific trail work experience is necessary—bring a great attitude for working with a team!

    • BMLT Blues Crew leaders and USFS partners will provide training and tools as needed

    • Expect to be physically active at your own pace for up to 6 hours

    • Recommended for ages 18 and older

  • Volunteers from outside Walla Walla should meet directly at the North Fork Umatilla River trailhead.

    June 17-21, 2023 - Daily

    8:00 am - Arrive at the trailhead. Orientation, equipment distribution, safety briefing.

    10:00 a.m. Begin trail work.

    12:00 p.m. Lunch

    3:30 p.m. - Debrief, beverages

    5:30 p.m. - Return home

  • Volunteers should meet directly at the North Fork Umatilla River Trailhead.

    If you’re willing to drive, please arrive with a full gas tank. Please be prepared to share gas costs with your volunteer driver on the return trip (bring cash.)

  • ✅ Boots – no sneakers or sandals during work hours

    ✅ Long pants and long-sleeved shirt

    ✅ Rain gear /layers for warmth

    ✅ Work gloves and eye protection (glasses, sunglasses)

    ✅ Ticks can be present: bring DEET for self, Permethrin for clothes

    *** BMLT Blues Crew Supplied: Safety gear, first aid kit, hard hat, tools

  • What to bring - Everyone:

    ✅ Lightweight day pack

    ✅ Water bottle - suggest 64 ounces of water for July days

    ✅ Warm clothing for wet/cold weather

    ✅ Lunch & snacks

    ✅ Medications/ Personal care items/ sunscreens

    What to bring - Campers:

    ✅ Camping gear: Tent, sleeping bag, pad

    ✅ All meals and cooking equipment

  • ⚠️ Pets are not to accompany volunteers due to work safety concerns.
    ⚠️ We’re currently following CDC guidelines for all BMLT sponsored events. Please stay home if you are feeling unwell.
    ⚠️ BMLT Blues Crew practices Leave No Trace™ principles.

    ⚠️ Is this your first volunteer trail work party? Check out this short video on ‘What to Expect and How to Stay Safe’

  • For more information, contact us at or Barbara Hetrick at 509-301-1372.


Presented in partnership with the Umatilla National Forest, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture